Sunday, 28 December 2008
महसूल खात्याची प्रतिमा सुधारा - पतंगराव कदम
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
युनिकोड वैश्विकतेचा नवा मन्त्र
Thursday, 23 October 2008
A new content rich website by Mr. Shekhar Gaikwad -Click here
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
ग्रामस्थ दिनाचे शिल्पकार डॉ.संजय चहांदे Click here
चौकटीत राहून चौकटीबाहेर काम करणार्या कर्तृत्ववान व्यक्तिमत्त्वांची दखल घेणारे सदर. त्यांनी केलेले प्रयोग साधे वाटले तरी त्यातून साकारलेले विश्व आपणासही निश्चित प्रेरणादायी ठरेल.डॉ.संजय चहांदे हे नाशिक महसूल विभागीय आयुक्त म्हणून काम पाहतात. काही काळ त्यांनी माहिती व जनसंपर्क महासंचालनालयाचे महासंचालक म्हणूनही काम पाहिले होते. त्यांची स्वत:ची एक कार्यशैली आहे. जे काम करायचं ते अत्यंत लोकाभिमुख. लोकांना त्याचा फायदा झाला पाहिजे यासाठी त्यांचा सतत प्रयत्न असतो. शासकीय योजना लोकांपर्यंत जाण्यासाठी शासकीय यंत्रणेने कार्यकर्त्याची भूमिका घेतली पाहिजे, यावर त्यांचा ठाम विश्वास आहे. त्यातून रुजली 'ग्रामस्थ दिन'ची अभिनव संकल्पना. शासनाचा निर्णय नसताना केवळ नाशिक विभागासाठी योजना आणि त्याचे फलित, लोकांचे प्रश्न आणि शासनाने केलेली सोडवणूक याचा लेखाजोखा अगदी आमने-सामने प्रत्येक गावागावातून या माध्यमातून पुढे आला. यातून शासकीय अधिकार्याचे व कर्मचार्याचे प्रश्न कमी झाले आणि जनतेच्या तक्रारी कमी झाल्या. ग्रामस्थ दिन दिवसेंदिवस अपेक्षित परिणाम दाखवू लागले. विकासाचे नवे पर्व नाशिक महसूल विभागात सुरु झाले. गावातील प्रश्न नेमके काय आहेत, हे समजल्याने नियोजन करतांना या प्रश्नांचा विचार होत गेला. यंत्रणा कुठे कमी पडते आहे काय? हे समजले. त्यात सुधारणा करण्यास वाव मिळाला. पर्यायाने लोकांसाठी शासन ही भूमिका या माध्यमातून गावात रुजली.एक जानेवारी,२००७ पासून महिन्याच्या दर बुधवारी संपूर्ण विभागात ग्रामस्थ दिन राबविला जातो. ग्रामस्तरावर तलाठी, ग्रामसेवक तसेच शासनाच्या विविध विभागातील अधिकारी, कर्मचारी कार्यरत असतात. त्यांना ग्रामीण जीवनाची, समस्यांची जाण चांगली असते. पण समन्वयाचा अभाव असतो. त्यामुळे ग्रामस्तरावरील समस्या /अडचणी सोडविण्यासाठी त्यांच्यात परस्पर समन्वय घडवून आणण्याच्या दृष्टीने नाशिक विभागात 'ग्रामस्थ दिन' दर बुधवारी आयोजित केला जातो.शासकीय अधिकारी, कर्मचारी यांच्या जबाबदारीच्या भूमिका स्पष्ट करणार्या कायद्यातील तरतूदींचे प्रभावी पालन व्हावे. तसेच ग्रामस्तरावरील अधिकारी, कर्मचारी, लोकप्रतिनिधी, ग्रामस्थ, स्वयंसेवी संस्था यांच्यामध्ये चांगला समन्वय प्रस्थापित व्हावा. विविध शासकीय सेवांचे वितरण व विविध कल्याणकारी योजनांचा फायदा खर्या लाभार्थीपर्यंत विना तक्रार मिळावा, त्याचा खुलेपणाने मासिक आढावा घेता यावा यासाठी 'ग्रामस्थ दिन' उपक्रम आहे.ग्रामस्थ दिनामध्ये ग्रामपातळीवरील सर्व विभागाचा आढावा व चर्चा होते. संत गाडगेबाबा ग्रामस्वच्छता अभियान, हागणदारी मुक्ती योजना, महाराष्ट्र ग्रामीण रोजगार हमी योजना, महिला बचतगट, सर्व शिक्षा अभियान, पुरुष नसबंदी या आणि अन्य कार्यक्रमानुसार ग्रामीण लोकसहभागावर चर्चा व आढावा घेण्यात येतो. उपस्थित ग्रामस्थांच्या तक्रारी ऐकुन त्या सोडविल्या जातात. दुसर्या टप्प्यात ग्रामस्तरावरील प्रत्येक शासकीय अधिकारी, कर्मचारी ते देत असलेल्या सेवांचा तपशील, राबवित असलेल्या योजनांची माहिती व आपआपल्या कामकाजाचा आढावा ग्रामस्थ दिनात मांडतात. अधिकार्यांच्या कामकाजासंदर्भात अडचणी मांडल्या जातात. ग्रामपालक अधिकारी हे नोंदवून घेतात. लेखी तक्रारी, निवेदने असल्यास ती स्वीकारतात. हे सारे पहिल्या सत्रात होते. दुसर्या सत्रात उपस्थित गावकर्याच्या साक्षीने गावात असणार्या सर्व सरकारी विभागांना एकत्रित भेट दिली जाते. त्यात जिल्हा परिषद शाळा, रेशन दुकान, रॉकेल डेपो, ग्रामपंचायत कार्यालय, तलाठी कार्यालय, प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्र यांचा समावेश असतो. या समस्या स्थानिक स्तरावर सात दिवसात सोडविणे अपेक्षित असते. तसे शक्य नसल्यास सक्षम अधिकार्यांकडे संबंधीत ग्राम अधिकारी पाठपुरावा करुन पुढील ग्रामस्थ दिनापूर्वी त्यावर आवश्यक कारवाई केली जाते.
नाशिक विभागातील ग्रामस्थ दिनग्रामपंचायतींची संख्या - ४८८६१ मे २००७ ते ऑगस्ट २००८ पर्यंत ग्रामस्थदिन - प्रत्येक गांवात ९ वेळा ग्रामस्थदिनग्रामस्थ उपस्थिती - १४ लाख ४ हजार ७४४अधिकारी-कर्मचारी उपस्थिती - ५७ हजार १२३प्राप्त तक्रारी -६४ हजार ६७७तक्रारींचे निराकरण - ६१ हजार ००८तक्रारींवर कार्यवाही सुरु - ३६६९ग्रामस्थ दिनामध्ये ग्रामस्थांचा वाढता सहभाग हा नोकरशाहीवरील जनतेचा अंकुशही ठरत आहे. या कार्यक्रमाचे संनियंत्रण त्रिस्तरीय पध्दतीने होते. विभागीय स्तरावर विभागीय आयुक्त, जिल्हास्तरावर जिल्हाधिकारी व तालुकास्तरावर तहसिलदार हे ग्रामस्थ दिन कार्यक्रमाचे समन्वयक व संनियंत्रण अधिकारी म्हणुन काम पाहतात. डॉ. संजय चहांदे यांची ही संकल्पना नाशिक महसूल विभागात जानेवारी-२००७ ते मार्च-२००७ या तीन महिन्याच्या कालावधतीपर्यंत प्रायोगिक तत्त्वावर राबविण्यात येणार होती. पण संपुर्ण विभागात ग्रामपातळीवर याला मिळणार्या सहभागामुळे ही संकल्पना आता एका सामाजिक चळवळ झाली आहे. डॉ.संजय चहांदे ग्रामीण भागातून पुढे आले. भारतीय प्रशासकीय सेवेत प्रवेश मिळविला. आपल्या प्रशासकीय अधिकाराचा उपयोग सर्वसामान्य माणसांकरिता करण्यात यावा, यासाठी नेहमीच त्यांचा अट्टाहास राहिला. त्याचाच परिणाम म्हणून ग्रामस्थ दिन ही नवीन संकल्पना पुढे आली. जिल्हाधिकार्यापासून ते थेट तलाठ्यापर्यंत, मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकार्यापासून ते थेट ग्रामसेवकापर्यंत सारेच लोक कामाला लागले. त्याचा परिणाम दिसून आला. डॉ.संजय चहांदे खर्या अर्थाने ग्रामस्थ दिनाच्या संकल्पनेतून चौकटीबाहेरचे अधिकारी ठरले. 'महान्यूज'मधील मजकूर आपण 'महान्यूज'च्या उल्लेखासह पुनर्मुद्रित केल्यास आम्हाला आनंदच वाटेल.
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Revenue Officers loosing their powers
Monday, 13 October 2008
Fuel Advance GR
Thursday, 2 October 2008
जिल्ह्यातील १३ तहसीलदारांनी वाहने केली जमाजळगाव
वाहने जमा करून चाव्या जिल्हाधिकाऱ्यांकडे!बीड
जिल्ह्यातील तहसीलदारांची आजपासून gandhigiri
इंधन न मिळाल्याने तहसिलदारांची वाहने जमा
Friday, 22 August 2008
Pay Scales of Revenue Officers
Sr. No. | Name of Revenue Cadre | Existing Scale | Scales likely to be revised in 6th Pay Commission |
Our Demand for revised scale in 6th Pay Commission Should be as below | ||||||||||||||||||
1. | Naib Tahasildar |
5500-175-9000 |
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2. | Tahasildar | 7450-225-11500 |
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3. | Deputy Collector | 8000-275-13500 |
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4. | Selection Grade Deputy Collector | 10650-325-15850 |
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5. | Additional Collector | 12000-375-18000 |
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6. | Additional Collector Selection Grade | 14300-450-22400 |
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Sixth Pay Commission report modification : Updates
Sixth Pay Commission report modification : Updates
at 6:01 PM
Minimum basic Salary - Rs. 7000
Education Allowances for employees for upto two children - Rs. 1,000 (Earlier, it was Rs. 100)
Maximum Basic Salary - Rs. 90,000 (Cabinet Secretary)
National Holidays - 3
Gazette Holidays to be canceled
Pay hike will be implemented from January 01, 2006
Maternity Leave : 6 Months
HRA in A-1 Cities - 30% (Unchanged)
HRA in A, B, B-1 Cities - 20%
Incentive Schemes to be announced
New Medical Insurance Scheme to be launched for government employees
Market-driven pay for scientists and all other jobs that require professional skill set.
Total number of salary grades to be reduced from 35 to 20.
The wage hike would increase the financial implication for the Centre by Rs 17,798 crore annually and the arrears with effect from January 2006 would cost Rs 29,373 crore, Information and Broadcasting Minister P R Dasmunsi told reporters after the Cabinet meeting.
The government increased the minimum entry level salary of a government employee to Rs 7,000 against Rs 6,660 recommended by the Commission headed by Justice B N Srikrishna who submitted the report in March this year.
Consequently, it would push up the total emoluments of an employee at the lowest level beyond Rs 10,000 per month including allowances.
It also increased the rate of annual increment from 2.5 per cent to 3 per cent.
In the defence sector, it approved at least three assured promotions for all defence forces personnel and civilian employees under the modified Assured Career Progression scheme.
While civilians would get this after 10, 20 and 30 years of service, defence forces jawans would be promoted under ACP after 8, 16 and 24 years.
The hiked salary would be given to the employees beginning September this year and the arrears from January 2006 would be given in cash in two installments - 40 per cent this fiscal and 60 per cent in 2009-10.
The financial implication of Pay Commission on the General Budget would be Rs 15,717 crore and Rs 6414 crore on Railway Budget in 2008-09.
The government’s present salary bill is over Rs 70,000 crore and the pension bill is over Rs 30,000 crore.
Finance Minister P Chidambaram said the budget deficit target would be adhered to, despite the implementation of the Pay Commission recommendations.
The government for the first time approved Military Service Pay for armed forces personnel, under which officers would get Rs 6,000 over and above their pay per month.
The lowest limit of disability pension for defence personnel would be doubled to Rs 3100 a month.
No Cabinet Secretary rank for Intelligence Bureau chief, the three Service chiefs or the Chairman, Railway Board
Group D personnel to stay (peons in ministries and porters in Railways)
Military service pay for persons below the officer rank (POBR) would be Rs 2,000 per month
Significant hike in salaries of Brigadiers: they move to Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) from the suggested Pay Band 3 (Rs 15,600-39,100)
DIG-scale abolished in IPS and Indian Forest Service
The salaries of Brigadiers will be in Pay Band 4 (Rs 39,200-67,000) as against the suggested pay band 3 (Rs 15,600 - 39,100) previously.
Monday, 23 June 2008
Tuesday, 10 June 2008
Searchable Database of GR & SOFile
Monday, 9 June 2008
Click to meet Shekhar Gaikwad on his blog
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Visit marathi blogs of our seniors-- It is encouraging
Monday, 19 May 2008
नाशिक विभागीय आयुक्तालयाला "आयएसओ' मानांकन
Shunted GAS officer resorts to RTI
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Shunted GAS officer resorts to RTI
Supreme Court rules ACR has to be open
Monday, 14 April 2008
Welcome Maharashtra Finance & Accounts Service Officers Association's website.
Their website is aimed to give them a platform to the members to express themselves & be in touch with other members (their peers). The Association will try to address the members through this website & will make it useful for them.This can happen only with the active participation of the members.So what are you waiting for?. Let us hope all members of MFAS would make best use of this site and info in public domain would also be useful to all .
What is creamy layer according to Supreme Court
Whether "Creamy Layer" is to be excluded from SEBCs? (Socially and Economically Backward Classes)
"Creamy Layer" is to be excluded from SEBCs. The identification of SEBCs will not be complete and without the exclusion of "creamy layer" such identification may not be valid under Article 15(1) of the Constitution. (Paragraph 152)
7. What should be the para-meters for determining the "creamy layer" group?
The parameters contained in the Office Memorandum issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) on 08.09.1993 may be applied. And the definition of "Other Backward Classes" under Section 2(g) of the Act 5 of 2007 should be deemed to mean class or classes of citizens who are socially and educationally backward, and so determined by the Central Government; and if the determination is with reference to caste, then the backward class shall be after excluding the creamy layer. (Paragraphs 153 and 155)
8. Whether the "creamy layer" principle is applicable to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes?
"Creamy Layer" principle is not applicable to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. (Paragraph 163)
Click to read full jdugement :
Procedure to issue income certificates
Supreme Court has come out with its landmark interpretation of rule on OBC. Now the issue of creamy and non-creamy layer will be crucial in getting reservations in higher educational institutes admissions.
I have not any detailed procedure for issuing income certificates as is laid for caste certificates.
Once upon a time some Rs. 4800 limit was for Durbal Ghatak Election in Co-Op sector and there was one GR authorising Tahasildars to issue of certificate of income to determine Durbal Ghatak. Thereafter, scholorships, EBC and for all other concessions, revenue officers used to issue certificates.
Never thought of workload issue, procedure issue and the consequences analysis of issuing wrong certificates which ultimately defrades state by way of siphoning constitutionally guaranteed consessions and reservations.
1. Who to issue caste certificate.
2. What should be procedure- process.
3. Appeal remedy.
4. Staff support. etc.
This is all about income certificate which latter forms basis of non-creamy layer certificate. If you feel this is also an important and crucial issue facing the cadres, then do not just read it and go browsing. Wait, think rationally, react and act pl.
Friday, 11 April 2008
Think Simple to Solve Complex Problems.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Tahasildar Haveli digs out RTI Act being misused, CIC directs probe-
Friday, 4 April 2008
Support innocents who are likely to be victimised.
I have every sympathy and support for all innocents those who are subjected to suffer. And I am sure our revenue fraternity would also support all the innocents who are likely to suffer no fault of theirs.
Never be under wrong pressure, may it be media or otherwise. Such tactices need to sorted out logically and rationally not emotionally. Unfortunately Sholapur is in trouble once for Sanjay Gandhi, then for EGS and now seems to be for Food & Civil Supply. One can imagine the stress and strain our revenue community in Sholapur district is living under.
Nobody except those few in the helm of affair know what is fact, what is true and what is false. Let law take its own course, let scrutiny take place but in a lawful manner,but not under pressure.
I know all share joy, happiness and laxury at the cost of others, but when the persons at helm of affair suffer, all cowards run away. Those who have enjoyed must be running away leaving poor chaps to suffer for knowingly or unknowingly committed wrongs or may be for right things being interpreted in wrong spirit.
One thing we all should remember, when someone talks about Food and Civil Supply things, if we cry 100 times for true things people disbelive for the system is in mess and disrepute.
But anyway, time has come like caste certificate we should ourself say take out this work which unncessarily brings disrepute to Reveune People. How many will agree with me?
Mr. Wagmare, be bold enough to fight out this battle, do not feel alone and isolated. I am sure our intellignent revenue community would not leave you all alone. Do not be shaken by suspension, prosecution or whatever so called action, ask our innocent fraternity to take it and face it as professional hazard. But also do not plead anybody who is real offender, who he/she may be. We would like to support innocents who should not be victimised .
Sholapur Revenue Officers in turmoil
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Revenue Officers Blog: 6th Pay Commission Report
Revenue Officers Blog: Responsibility of SLAO has to be limited.
Pl. read this response by Mr.Dhurjad. All pl. read and react.
Friday, 28 March 2008
State Election Commissioner Jailed
MUMBAI: It is unfortunate that in an unprecedented punitive measure, the Maharashtra legislative assembly on Thursday sent state election commissioner Nandlal to two days’ simple imprisonment for contempt of the House. The inprisonment seems to be in civil jail. Now is Arthur jail a civil jail? Couldnt custody of collector mumbai have been a civil jail. What are Civil Jail Rules. This is learning time to know the quasi-judicial powers of legislature, legislative committees and the procedures of Civil Jail those having info on this may please send to our group or post it to me.
P. V. Kachare
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Ram Ram Mandali
1.Apan aplya kanistana kahich kalat nahi, he etarana kiti vela v kiti anandane sangto?
2.Apan etar vibhagachya mansasamor Aplya lokancha apman karnyat mothepana ka manto?
3.Etar kontyahi vibhagache lok karat naslele apmanaspad kam apan swata v aplya loka marfat kartana apli man zukavi tethe chati ka pudhe yete?
4.SDO etc padavar gelya var apnala shinge futlya sarkhe vagun apan etar vibhagachyach nahi tar aplya dept chya lokanchahi ka apman karto?
5.Aplya dept madhil Jestha/senior lokasobat kam kartana generation gap cha vichar n karta tyana ka hasto?
6.VIP na attend karnyache faltu kam fakt apanch aplya gharche karya ahe ya anandane ka karto?
7.VIP bandobastat Buke,Har,napkin, pani nahi mhanun aplya talathyala apan shiva ka deto?
Yadi mothi ahe Mhanun Antim Prashna vicharto:
*Protocoll madhe sampark adhikari mhanun sambhadit vibhagachya adhikaryachi order kadhleli astanahi apan sarv kam sodun divasbhar circuit house chya darat ubhe ka rahto
PWD EE chi Rest House chi jababdari astanahi Sandas V Camod madhe ghan ahe ki nahi he apan swata pahto KA KA KA KA???????
Maze Uttar: hi sarva changlya Mahsul Adhikareyachi lakshane ahet. Pratek jan dusryapeksha adhik changle honyacha prayatna karat ahe MHANUN...... .
Kripaya tapasun paha, Charcha apekshit!
Dr Vikas Naik,SDO Osmanabad.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
DPC for Promotion to Dy. Collectors held
On 31st January 2008 a Departmental Promotion Committee Meeting held in Mantralaya for promotion from among the Dy. Collectors (Ordinary Grade ) to Dy. Collectors. (Selection Grade. Posts of promotion are around 55.
6th Pay Commission Report
Monday, 24 March 2008
Keep Blogging
Monday, 17 March 2008
New Land Acquisition Bill 2007
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Collective wisdom would prevail upon our traditional knowledge
Responsibility of SLAO has to be limited.
Acquiring body should file the appeal
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Know our coleaugue - Dr. Arjun Chikhale
Friday, 14 March 2008
Cadre Review
This can be applied for Revenue Cadre also, by upgrading Dy. Collector to 10500-13500/ - grade and Tahasildar and Naib Th. to 8000-10500/- and 6500-....grade.
We should demand this before Sixth Pay Comm. Dhananjay Nikam, SDO, Bhusaval
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Land Acquisition Important
" In the aforesaid circumstances, before we consider the question as to whether such inordinate delay should or should not be condoned, we issue show cause notice the state officials, who did not act in the matters and created huge liability on the state, as to why they should not be directed to pay interest payable to the claimants for all these period."
This order of the High Court is circulated by the R & FD to all Collectors
Ref. R & FD No. Sakirn-08/141/Cr-20/A-4 dtaed 14th Feb 2008. Pl. get this, circulate it to all our coleaugues. Now time has to be accountable and adopt smart style of working. Here are number of issued in the matter. We need to discuss, deliberate to thread them out one by one and to get a standard procedure of filing appeal from Government. There is lot of interdependence as GP Dist. Court-Agency-GP High Court- Stamp Duty Amount- Expndr.needed and then filing of affidavit. We are always reviewed. Whether pendency of GP HC is reviewed anywhere but still for their delay SLAO has to take onus of delay on his head in affidavit. Is it is responsibility crisis......chalo...come on debate till it is sorted out. P. V. Kachare.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Cadre Strenghtning Necessary
Lot has been said and done regarding cadre strenghtning of deputy collectors,tahsilda rs,naib tahsildars.. .......I ve Some points which i think should be discussed first which r as follows1...Total strength of each cadre (total sanctioned ,permanant,temporar y...)2...Actual Strength (No of posts filled, vacant)including posts on deputation3...Seniorioty Lists (not yearwise.... .alll...till date4...Pay scale transisions (from creation of cadre)5...Posts at Par (i mean compared to other departments hirarchy)6...Pay scales of the posts of other departments for comparision7...working conditions thereto I think by not taking these points into consideration we r degenerating ourselves... for example OUR DEPUTY COLLECTOR WORK AS DEPUTY COMISSIONER IN MUNICIPAL CORPORATION UNDER HIS BATCHMATE C.O.(WHO IS COMMISSIONER FROM CO CADRE)SO think seriously... ......... ........Ravindra Dhurjad RDC Yavatmal Amravati divn
Different Viewpoint on Caste Certificate Issue
I have total different opinion regarding cast certificates. As we all know that there is a scrutiny commity for scrutiny of cast certificates- -then why there is need of issuing authority?. If you are goingg to become a MAHASATTA, why did you do the same work twice. So insted of doing issuance + validity ------do only validity okkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. As we all were, aware that validity committee is doing its job in a nice manner, let them allow to do the job of validity. SO GOVT SHALL NOT WASTE THE TIME OF REVENUE OFFICERS FOR CAST CERTIFICATE, rather than this govt should give them a another work. That doesnt mean that we are avoiding the work but we just want to avoid the double work. However , govt may appoint more staff to validity office and can also appoint another seniour REVENUE officers for doing the appeal work . OR govt may appoint divisionwise " CAST TRIBUNALS " who will look after the grievances of the validity commeette. Shridhar Dube, Dy. Collector LAQ, Kokan Divcom Office
Caste Certificate Issue
Beside Caste Certificate (Issuance and Regulation ) Act does not stipulate any age criterion for claiming the caste certificate. It is advisable that on the lines of Khate pustika , Caste Book-let for a family may be issued at once so that members from the same family need apply seperately.New born child will have the caste status of his family by proper endorsement of competent authority. This will reduce the scrutiny and paper work of ours. Kiran Panbude
My viewpoint on Caste Certificate issue
डिजिटल पर्सनल डाटा प्रोटेक्शन बिल २०२२ - सूचना, हरकती व आक्षेप
पुणे: केंद्र शासनाच्या माहिती आणि तंत्रज्ञान विभागाने डिजिटल पर्सनल डाटा प्रोटेक्शन बिल २०२२ हे प्रारूप विधेयक प्रसिद्ध केले असून त्यावर फ...

पुणे : फेरफार नोंदवहीत नोंद करण्याच्या प्रक्रियेतील विंलंब कमी करण्याच्या आणि अधिकारांचा अभिलेख वेळेत अद्ययावत करण्याच्या सुनिश्चितीच्या हेत...
पुणे: महाराष्ट्र राज्यात , इनाम व वतने नाहीशी करण्याबाबतचे पुढील अधिनियम अंमलात आहेत : 1. महाराष्ट्र परगणा व कुळकर्णी वतने नाहीशी करण्...
An ambitious ‘Advanced Post Graduate Diploma in Urban Management (APGDUM)’ is open for admission for officers and practitioners working in v...