तहसीलदारांच्या खात्यातून 63 लाख गायब
सकाळ वृत्तसेवा
Thursday, December 31, 2009 AT 12:15 AM (IST)
Tags: western maharashtra, crime
शेवगाव - येथील तहसीलदारांच्या खात्यातून तहसील कार्यालयातील दोन कर्मचारी, तसेच येथील स्टेट बॅंक ऑफ इंडियाच्या शाखेतील कर्मचारी व अधिकाऱ्यांविरुद्ध बनावट व्यक्तीच्या नावाने वाहक धनादेशाद्वारे साडेसात महिन्यांपासून 63 लाख 11 हजार 600 रुपये एवढी मोठी रक्कम परस्पर काढून अपहार केल्याची फिर्याद तहसीलदार नितीन पाटील यांनी आज दिल्याने महसूल खात्यात मोठी खळबळ उडाली आहे.
या प्रकरणात तहसील कार्यालयात गौण खनिज विषयाची जबाबदारी सांभाळणारे लिपिक बी. आर. पवार व एप्रिल महिन्यापासून कार्यालयात हजर नसणारा कर्मचारी महेश श्रीबास यांचा हात असल्याचे पाटील यांनी म्हटले आहे. या जोडगोळीने व्ही. बी. कानडे या बनावट व्यक्तीच्या नावे काढलेले धनादेश बॅंकेत जमा करून, एवढी मोठी रक्कम काढल्याचे सीसी टीव्हीवरील चित्रीकरणावरून स्पष्ट झाले आहे.
तहसीलदार पाटील 16 सप्टेंबरला येथे हजर झाले. विधानसभा निवडणुकीचे काम उरकल्यानंतर गौण खनिज विभागाच्या कागदपत्रांची तपासणी करताना एप्रिल 2009 ते नोव्हेंबर 2009 अखेर इतर विभागांमार्फत गौण खनिजाच्या स्वामित्वधनाच्या रकमेचे प्राप्त धनादेश व गौण खनिजाच्या लेखाशीर्षकांतर्गत सरकार जमा रकमेची त्यांनी तपासणी केली. तेव्हा या खात्यातून वरील रक्कम सरकारी खजिन्यात जमा न होता प्रत्यक्ष व्ही. बी. कानडे या व्यक्तीच्या नावे काढण्यात येत असल्याचे त्यांच्या लक्षात आले. यामुळे व्ही. बी. कानडे कोण, हा प्रश्न त्यांना पडला.
या संदर्भात त्यांनी बॅंकेशी पत्रव्यवहार करून खात्याचे स्टेटमेंट व इतर कागदपत्रे मागितली व तपासली. यामध्ये ता. 15 मे 2009 ते 25 नोव्हेंबरदरम्यान 19 धनादेशांद्वारे 63 लाख
रुपये काढण्यात आल्याचे स्पष्ट झाले.
या धनादेशांवर तहसीलदारांच्या सह्या व शिक्के बनावट असल्याचे त्यांनी फिर्यादीत म्हटले आहे. बॅंकेमध्ये धनादेश वटवताना त्यावर सक्षम अधिकारी तथा तहसीलदार यांची सही
आहे का, याची खातरजमा बॅंकेने करणे अपेक्षित होते. बॅंकेच्या शाखा व्यवस्थापनाने तसे न केल्याने त्यांच्या विरुद्धही फिर्याद दिली आहे.
धनादेश काढलेली कानडे ही व्यक्ती तहसील कार्यालयात कामास नसल्याने अपहारातील वाढलेला गुंता सीसी टीव्हीमुळे सुटला. तहसीलदार पाटील यांनी ज्या तारखेला धनादेश वटवले त्यावेळची चित्रफीत पाहिली. त्यातील एक संशयीत व्यक्ती बॅंकेचे कॅशियर यांनी दाखवली. तीच व्यक्ती नेहमी तहसीलदार यांच्या सहीच्या चेकने पैसे काढत असल्याचे त्यांनी सांगितले. संबंधित व्यक्ती महेश श्रीबास असल्याचे एका महसूल कर्मचाऱ्याने ओळखले.
आज श्रीबास राजीनामा देण्याच्या उद्देशाने आला होता. या वेळी पाटील यांनी बॅंकेचे कॅशियर साबळे यांना श्रीबास यांना दाखवले असता, त्यांनी हीच व्यक्ती पैसे काढणारी असल्याचे सांगितले व व्ही. बी. कानडेचे दुसरे रूप उघड झाले. गौण खनिज विभागाचे चेक बुक पवार यांच्याच ताब्यात असल्याने, तसेच बॅंकेला दिलेल्या प्राधिकार पत्रांचे जावक क्रमांक कार्यालयातील कागदपत्रांशी जुळत नसल्याने पवार व श्रीबास यांनी संगनमताने अपहार केल्याची फिर्याद पाटील यांनी दिली आहे. या प्रकरणाचा तपास पोलिस निरीक्षक अशोक आमले करीत असून, श्रीबास याला अटक केली आहे.
या प्रकरणी जिल्हाधिकारी पी. अन्बलगन यांनी आज दुपारी बारा वाजता तहसील कार्यालयास भेट देऊन माहिती घेतली व कारवाई करण्याचे आदेश दिले. या प्रकरणामुळे तहसील कार्यालयाची हिशेब तपासणी सुरू आहे.
कर्मचाऱ्यांच्या "नार्को' आवश्यक
या कर्मचाऱ्यांची नार्को चाचणी केली, तर या प्रकरणातील आणखी काही महत्त्वाचे दुवे, तसेच मदत करणारांची नावे उघड होतील, अशी चर्चा तहसीलच्या आवारात जमलेल्या काही नागरिकांत होती.
Learning - All Revenue officers need to be alert all the time
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Thursday, 6 August 2009
अखिल भारतीय नागरी सेवा अधिकारी संघटना मीटिंग वृत्त
On 25th july meeting of All Inndia State Civil/ Administrative Service Officres Association was held in Mount abu. nearly 15 major states participated except kerala, tamilnadu and N-E states. following main issues were discussed in this meeting,
1. Recommendations of second administrative reforms commission, which suggested an examination for promotion into IAS. age limit will be 40 and for those who have already crossed 40 only two attempts will be given. this is very strange suggestion made by ARC. our all india association demanded scrapping of sectoon 8(2) of IAS regulation which allows non SCS to get promoted in IAS and also increasing quota of promotion to 50%. however commission did not even made mention of it. it was decided to represent before Hon pritiviraj Chavan MOS DOPT.
2. there are different practices followed in various states about SCS, which were discussed in detail. it was found that our state is far behind states like UP, Bihar, Uttarakahnd, punjab, haryana etc. in those states state civil service officers are promoted till the rank of secretary in regulay secretary pay scales. we are now studying that model and in time to come with the support of u all we will press for our demands before government.
3. some other issues like all india directory and office space in delhi for asso were also diccussed.
pl post ur comments on ARC, which will help us in preparing representation to central govt,Pl. Click http://arc.gov.in/2ndrep.pdf
Dr..Avinash Dhakne
1. Recommendations of second administrative reforms commission, which suggested an examination for promotion into IAS. age limit will be 40 and for those who have already crossed 40 only two attempts will be given. this is very strange suggestion made by ARC. our all india association demanded scrapping of sectoon 8(2) of IAS regulation which allows non SCS to get promoted in IAS and also increasing quota of promotion to 50%. however commission did not even made mention of it. it was decided to represent before Hon pritiviraj Chavan MOS DOPT.
2. there are different practices followed in various states about SCS, which were discussed in detail. it was found that our state is far behind states like UP, Bihar, Uttarakahnd, punjab, haryana etc. in those states state civil service officers are promoted till the rank of secretary in regulay secretary pay scales. we are now studying that model and in time to come with the support of u all we will press for our demands before government.
3. some other issues like all india directory and office space in delhi for asso were also diccussed.
pl post ur comments on ARC, which will help us in preparing representation to central govt,Pl. Click http://arc.gov.in/2ndrep.pdf
Dr..Avinash Dhakne
Friday, 22 May 2009
State level meeting
A State level meeting of State Federation Revenue Officers Associations is arranged in Nashik on Sunday 24th May 2009 at 11 am. in Niyaojan Hall, Collectorate, Nashik. All Revenue Officers in Maharashtra are invited to participate in the meeting to discuss various issues and to arrive at concret decisions.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Welcome Judgement
Operative Order of Hon. Mumbai High Court in WP 5028 OF 2006
Before concluding, it is necessary for this Court to observe that both under the Act as well as under the Rules, the Competent Authority has to be satisfied about the genuineness of the claim. Rule 4 which lays down the procedure to be followed by the Competent Authority for the grant or rejection of an application for a certificate empowers the Competent Authority to hold an inquiry and to gather material for determining the correctness of the claim. The function of the Competent Authority is not ministerial but is a vital step in the verification of tribe claims. The Competent Authority must be provided with a sufficient infrastructure to process and verify the claims. We are of the view that it would be necessary for the State Government to take immediate steps to provide infrastructure to the Competent Authorities in order to enable them to determine in the first instance the correctness of the caste claim before a decision is arrived at on the grant or rejection of the application. The State Government shall within a period of two months from today issue necessary administrative directions providing for infrastructure, including expert assistance and a Vigilance Cell to assist the Competent Authorities to discharge their duties. The material which is gathered by the Competent Authority under Rule 4 shall be transmitted by the Competent Authority to the Scrutiny Committee when an application is made to the Scrutiny Committee for the grant of a validity certificate. We have issued these directions in order to ensure that the process of issuing caste certificates by the Competent Authorities is not reduced to a mechanical exercise since both the Act and the Rules require the satisfaction of the Competent Authority in regard to the correctness of the claim. The benefit of the exercise which has been conducted by the Competent Authority should be made available to the Scrutiny Committees and the entire record before the former should be hence transmitted to the latter for the purposes of the proceedings before the Scrutiny Committee. The State Government shall act on the aforesaid directions and take expeditious steps in compliance within the time schedule that has been prescribed.The Reference to the Full Bench shall stand answered accordingly in the aforesaid terms. Writ Petitions shall now be listed by the Registry before the appropriate Benches at Mumbai, Nagpur and Aurangabad, as the case may be for disposal.
Before concluding, it is necessary for this Court to observe that both under the Act as well as under the Rules, the Competent Authority has to be satisfied about the genuineness of the claim. Rule 4 which lays down the procedure to be followed by the Competent Authority for the grant or rejection of an application for a certificate empowers the Competent Authority to hold an inquiry and to gather material for determining the correctness of the claim. The function of the Competent Authority is not ministerial but is a vital step in the verification of tribe claims. The Competent Authority must be provided with a sufficient infrastructure to process and verify the claims. We are of the view that it would be necessary for the State Government to take immediate steps to provide infrastructure to the Competent Authorities in order to enable them to determine in the first instance the correctness of the caste claim before a decision is arrived at on the grant or rejection of the application. The State Government shall within a period of two months from today issue necessary administrative directions providing for infrastructure, including expert assistance and a Vigilance Cell to assist the Competent Authorities to discharge their duties. The material which is gathered by the Competent Authority under Rule 4 shall be transmitted by the Competent Authority to the Scrutiny Committee when an application is made to the Scrutiny Committee for the grant of a validity certificate. We have issued these directions in order to ensure that the process of issuing caste certificates by the Competent Authorities is not reduced to a mechanical exercise since both the Act and the Rules require the satisfaction of the Competent Authority in regard to the correctness of the claim. The benefit of the exercise which has been conducted by the Competent Authority should be made available to the Scrutiny Committees and the entire record before the former should be hence transmitted to the latter for the purposes of the proceedings before the Scrutiny Committee. The State Government shall act on the aforesaid directions and take expeditious steps in compliance within the time schedule that has been prescribed.The Reference to the Full Bench shall stand answered accordingly in the aforesaid terms. Writ Petitions shall now be listed by the Registry before the appropriate Benches at Mumbai, Nagpur and Aurangabad, as the case may be for disposal.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
मराठीतून ब्लॉगिंग शक्य
नाशिक:- यापुढे आपण मराठीतून या ब्लॉगवर संवाद तपशील वाचू शकाल . आता मराठीतून लिहिणे सुरु आहे . लवकरच आपण मराठीतून या ब्लॉगवर माहितीचे आदान प्रदान करू शकू असे वाटते .
Procedure Guidelines for Quasi-Judicial Authorities
Nashik : Mumbai High Court has delivered a judgement in Writ Petition No.4101 of 2007 on 24th March 2009 and laid down a detailed procedurial guideline for Quasi-Judicial Authorities working in state under various Laws. An abstract is placed as link on left . All must read detailed judtement is available on http://bombayhighcourt.nic.in/data/judgements/2009/CWP1066607.pdf.
Monday, 30 March 2009
Info panel slaps fine on two tahsildars (Click here)
Acting on an RTI petition seeking to expose the forgery of revenue records by a person who had encroached upon a lake at Pallavaram, thestate information commission has imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 each on two ex-tahsildars of Tambaram who not only failed to remove the encroachment but also provided false information to the petitioner.The issue dates back to 2006 when RTI activist T Retna Pandian brought to the notice of the Kancheepuram district collector that a new encroachment had come up on the Ramasamy lake near Pallavaram railway station. He pointed out that A Jameela, who had earlier constructed a shop on the lake land and been evicted by the revenue officials once, had returned to the same spot and put up another construction and also applied for a power connection from the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board using a forged NOC from the village administrative officer. The forgery came to light when revenue officials, responding to a query from Pandian, dismissed the NOC. Pandian also found that the seal on the document produced by Jameela did not match the official seal of the VAO. Also, the fake NOC was signed in green ink; VAOs are not authorized to use green ink since they are non-gazetted officials.Pandian, in his complaint, said he was forced to approach the collector because the jurisdictional tahsildar had excused himself from removing the encroachment saying he was busy with the assembly elections.Independent of Pandian's petition, another activist, K R Ramasamy (Traffic Ramasamy), also sent a fax to the collector informing him about the encroachment.With the petition evoking little response, Pandian filed an RTI application to the collector seeking details of the action taken against the encroacher. The issue was referred to the Tambaram tahsildar for inquiry as well as for replying to Pandian. But neither the tahsildar nor the appellate authority, PA (general) to the collector, gave replies to his queries. Pandian then moved the information commission on appeal. The commission ordered tahsildar to provide replies to the queries immediately.As the reply skirted the main issue of removal of the encroachment, Pandian once again approached the information commission. Passing orders on his petition, on August 6, 2007, the commission asked the collector to carry out a "special investigation by a senior officer and keep a personal watch on the investigation to check what went wrong." The Collector was asked to also probe how false information that Ramasamy's fax had not reached the collectorate could be provided to the commission by the PIO.As the commission's order made little impact on the officials, Pandian moved the information commission once again pointing out the laxity of revenue officials. The petitioner pointed out that Jameela had put up a pucca structure and obtained power connection too as no official had taken pains to evict her. The commission, which passed orders recently, imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 each on the two tahsildars who had been in that post at Tambaram during the course of the case for disobeying its directive.
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